Man looking up at the milky way galaxy.
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

About Me


Hi, I'm Steve Soler. I'm an ethical entrepreneur on a mission to create positive change in the world, starting with becoming the change I want to see. I'm a father to two amazing children and husband to the love of my life, who is beautiful inside and out. I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York, but reside in the lovely state of Connecticut now. I believe deeply in the universal love for all of humanity and this incredible planet we are lucky enough to call home. Both, Humanity and our planet Earth are in desperate need of help. I feel the best way I can help is to commit to always being an ethical human being, guided by universal love, and teaching my children the same. In addition to that, I also commit to always being an ethical entrepreneur who will try to include an element of social good in every business I create. I look forward to documenting my journey along the way.

What's this Blog all about?

This blog is a space to get some of my thoughts and philosophies out of my head. I'm hoping to share some positivity and find some clarity as I express myself in a way I never have before (being a lifelong introvert.) I'll publish an assortment of writings I've done over the years, but never shared publicly, and new posts as I'm inspired to do so. I've lived a challenging life, and still do, yet I've always managed to find peace and positivity, as difficult as it's been at times. I'm hoping my writings will help others who might share similar challenges or are just looking for some hope or inspiration in these dark times. I'll be posting my personal thoughts, and some readers may or may not agree with the various insights I share. I have no intention of engaging in any debates. I'm just sharing a bit of who I am, the knowledge I've gained over the years, and hope to inspire positive change in our world.